We are Hiring ....
1. Salesperson
and Delivery van driver
- Go to our customer locations to take orders and send
it back to shipping team.
- Deliver packages to the customers.
- Driving licenses required
- Knowledge of message apps using smart phone
2. Warehouse Associate
- Take care of warehouse activities
- Talk with customers and take orders in person or by phone.
- Update website with inventory
- Process orders
- Work in the warehouse based on need.
- Basic computer skills (to process orders on website,
update inventory)
- Fit to do physical work (Ability to life products
and add to the shelve)
- Pack orders (physical activity)
- Communication (Talk with customers at warehouse or
on phone to take orders)
Employer & Work Address:
Right Choice Distributors, Inc., 226/228 West Cummings
Park, Woburn, MA 01801.
Any Applicant who is interested in this position may
apply to: or HR, 226/228 West Cummings Park, Woburn,
MA 01801
Please contact at 773-600-0127 or email us
at / for more details.